Your Login Password and All your Information is Compromised

If you are like many people and use the same password for all your accounts you may be in danger of losing your identity.
A while ago there was the Target data breach and then there were others. And it seems like they will keep on coming. But this one is the scariest of all. According to Fox News there was a HUGE data breach that could compromise up to 4.5 billion records. That is a lot or records.
So is your personal information compromised?
The initial breach was far less but experts believe that because many people use the same password for all of their accounts that many more accounts could be breached. This is an alarming thought. But I dont think that people are going to change their password habits any time soon but I do think that data breaches will become more and more common.
If criminals in Russia can do this relatively easily then think of how many more countries can. Each country can perpetrate a new form of terrorism, cyber-terrorism could cause a huge amount of problems relatively quickly and in some cases without you even knowing until it is to late.
So what is the solution to this…
Well for starters everyone needs to have a different user name and password for every account. But is this feasible? This would mean you would need to store hundreds of combinations on a sheet of paper or file that you can access from all of your devices. That to proves a little difficult to do. Then you need to make HARD passwords to break, or in other words they will also be harder to remember. The more random the better 13hoifhdsw/WERE842$%^# is a great password but very hard to remember.
But there is a better way. The Online Business Reef way or the way we do it here. We use Roboform password manager. It is a great way to keep all of your passwords under one MASTER PASSWORD and have it work across all of your platforms. You can change your MASTER PASSWORD daily and still make sure all of your other passwords are safe. You can create random hard to break passwords with their password generator. It will also work across all of your devices; PC, Laptop, Tablet, or Smart Phone. It really works and is quite secure.
CONCLUSION: Roboform is the perfect program to help you do what Data Protection experts recommend that is to change passwords often, dont use the same passwords, and critical sites like financial institutions should have distinct and unique passwords.